STV 6.0.3

  • Reconfigured the SwithPM somewhat so that all the H and M files are now back together where they should be, and together in Sources not Sources/STV.
  • The main Git branch is now named main.

STV 6.0.2

  • uiElementNibName can now use NIBs from a SwiftPM using the naming format of PACKAGE_TARGET_NIBName, and still not using including the xib extension.
  • In iOS 14 a nil background colour was displaying as black, so all UILabel backgroundColor are now clearColor.

STV 6.0.1

  • Documentation is now in a seperate git repository.
  • All SCSelectionCell are now using linkColor for their textLabel when on iOS 13 up.
  • The pullToRefreshView property of SCTableViewModel that was marked deprecated is now remarked out.
  • The modeledTableView property of SCTableViewModel that was marked deprecated is now remarked out.
  • The setModeledTableViewEditing:animated: method of SCTableViewModel that was marked deprecated is now remarked out.

STV 6.0.0

  • No longer a framework, now a Swift Package.
  • Added Ozies fix for disappearing cells in iOS 11 Thanks Ozie!
  • Added lots of self-> to avoid an Xcode warning: “Block implicitly retains ‘self’; explicitly mention ‘self’ to indicate this is intended behaviour”.
  • Remarked out the -splitViewController:shouldHideViewController:inOrientation: method as it’s now deprecated.
  • The -live method of SCTableViewModel was causing an assert in iOS 13: “Attempted to access the table view’s visibleCells while they were in the process of being updated, which is not allowed”. So STV is no longer trying to count the visibleCells there, which might make it slightly less efficient, but there’s no assert!
  • The -cellAtIndexPath: method of SCTableViewModel was also causing an assert in iOS 13: “Attempted to call -cellForRowAtIndexPath: on the table view while it was in the process of updating its visible cells, which is not allowed”. This was introduced by the change in -live. So STV is no longer calling -cellForRowAtIndexPath here, which again is going to make it less efficient, but now there’s no assert.
  • The -tableView:shouldIndentWhileEditingRowAtIndexPath: method of SCTableViewModel was also causing an assert in iOS 13: “Attempted to call -cellForRowAtIndexPath: on the table view while it was in the process of updating its visible cells, which is not allowed.” A bit of a kludge, but the method now just returns the default value, YES, here.
  • Remarked out a deprecated method -splitViewController:shouldHideViewController:inOrientation: in both SCViewController and SCTableViewController.
  • Fixed lots of “This block declaration is not a prototype” warnings from Xcode 11 with the suggested fix of adding void.
  • Removed all the Interface Builder/Storyboard stuff, sorry Tarek.
  • Removed the examples.
  • Removed the framework build scripts as they are no longer required.
  • Removed the install and uninstall scripts as they are no longer required.
  • Removed the Xcode templates.
  • Edited the inline documentation to fix all Xcode warnings.
  • Added STVCoreData classes to the main package. STViCloud, STVParse, and STVWebServices are not part of this package.
  • Added license files in TXT and PLIST format. The PLIST can be used in a Settings bundle.
  • Bumped the version to 6.0.0.
  • Now using iOS 13 labelColor with a fallback for earlier iOS.
  • Now using UIFontTextStyleBody as the main font.
  • Added two new cellActions: leadingSwipeActions and trailingSwipeActions. iOS 11 and up only.
  • All UIPopoverController are now clang diagnostic ignored “-Wdeprecated-declarations”