
@interface SCNumericTextFieldAttributes : SCTextFieldAttributes {
  NSNumber *minimumValue;
  NSNumber *maximumValue;
  BOOL allowFloatValue;
  NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter;

This class is used to extend the definition of an ‘SCPropertyAttributes’ instance of type SCPropertyTypeNumericTextField, thus allowing further customization of the generated control by the user.

Creation and Initialization

  • Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCNumericTextFieldAttributes’. *

    • - parameter: minValue The minimum value allowed for the generated numeric text field control. Set to nil to ignore.
    • - parameter: maxValue The maximum value allowed for the generated numeric text field control. Set to nil to ignore.
    • - parameter: allowFloat Determines if the generated numeric text field control allows float values.



    + (instancetype)attributesWithMinimumValue:(NSNumber *)minValue
                                  maximumValue:(NSNumber *)maxValue
  • Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCNumericTextFieldAttributes’. *

    • - parameter: minValue The minimum value allowed for the generated numeric text field control. Set to nil to ignore.
    • - parameter: maxValue The maximum value allowed for the generated numeric text field control. Set to nil to ignore.
    • - parameter: allowFloat Determines if the generated numeric text field control allows float values.
    • - parameter: _placeholder The placeholder of the generated numeric text field control. Set to nil to ignore.



    + (instancetype)attributesWithMinimumValue:(NSNumber *)minValue
                                  maximumValue:(NSNumber *)maxValue
                                   placeholder:(NSString *)_placeholder;
  • Returns an initialized ‘SCNumericTextFieldAttributes’. *

    • - parameter: minValue The minimum value allowed for the generated numeric text field control. Set to nil to ignore.
    • - parameter: maxValue The maximum value allowed for the generated numeric text field control. Set to nil to ignore.
    • - parameter: allowFloat Determines if the generated numeric text field control allows float values.



    - (instancetype)initWithMinimumValue:(NSNumber *)minValue
                            maximumValue:(NSNumber *)maxValue
  • Returns an initialized ‘SCNumericTextFieldAttributes’. *

    • - parameter: minValue The minimum value allowed for the generated numeric text field control. Set to nil to ignore.
    • - parameter: maxValue The maximum value allowed for the generated numeric text field control. Set to nil to ignore.
    • - parameter: allowFloat Determines if the generated numeric text field control allows float values.
    • - parameter: _placeholder The placeholder of the generated numeric text field control. Set to nil to ignore.



    - (instancetype)initWithMinimumValue:(NSNumber *)minValue
                            maximumValue:(NSNumber *)maxValue
                             placeholder:(NSString *)_placeholder;
