
@interface SCClassDefinition : SCDataDefinition

This class functions as a means to further extend the definition of user-defined classes. Using class definitions, classes like SCObjectCell and SCObjectSection will be able to better generate user interface elements that truly represent the properties of their bound objects. For more information, please refer to SCDataDefinition.

Upon creation, SCClassDefinition will (optionally) automatically generate all the property definitions for the given class. From there, the user will be able to customize the generated property definitions, add new definitions, or remove generated definitions.

Sample use: // Extend the definition of ‘Task’ (user defined class) SCClassDefinition *taskDef = [SCClassDefinition definitionWithClass:[Task class] propertyNamesString:@“Task Details:(name,description,category,dueDate);Task Status:(completed)”]; SCPropertyDefinition *namePropertyDef = [taskDef propertyDefinitionWithName:@“name”]; namePropertyDef.required = TRUE; SCPropertyDefinition *descPropertyDef = [taskDef propertyDefinitionWithName:@“description”]; descPropertyDef.type = SCPropertyTypeTextView; SCPropertyDefinition *categoryPropertyDef = [taskDef propertyDefinitionWithName:@“category”]; categoryPropertyDef.type = SCPropertyTypeSelection; NSArray *categoryItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@“Home”, @“Work”, @“Other”, nil]; categoryPropertyDef.attributes = [SCSelectionAttributes attributesWithItems:categoryItems allowMultipleSelection:NO allowNoSelection:NO];



Creation and Initialization

  • Allocates and returns an initialized SCClassDefinition given a class and the option to auto generate property definitions for the given class.

    The method will also generate user friendly property titles from the names of the generated properties. These titles can be modified by the user later as part of the property definition customization.



    + (instancetype)definitionWithClass:(Class)_cls



    A class for which the definition will be extended.


    If TRUE, SCClassDefinition will automatically generate all the property definitions for the given class.

  • Allocates and returns an initialized SCClassDefinition given a class and a string containing the property names.

    The method will also generate user friendly property titles from the names of the given properties. These titles can be modified by the user later as part of the property definition customization.

    Property names string syntax options: @“property1;property2;property3;…” @“group1 header:(property1, property2,…):group1 footer;group2…”



    + (instancetype)definitionWithClass:(Class)_cls
                    propertyNamesString:(NSString *)propertyNamesString;



    A class for which the definition will be extended.


    A string with the property names separated by semi-colons. Example string: @“firstName;lastName”. Property groups can also be defined in the string using the following format: @“Personal Details:(firstName, lastName); Address:(street, state, country)”. The group title can also be ommitted to create a group with no title. For example: @“:(firstName, lastName)”.

  • Allocates and returns an initialized SCClassDefinition given a class and an array of the property names to generate property definitions from.

    The method will also generate user friendly property titles from the names of the given properties. These titles can be modified by the user later as part of the property definition customization.



    + (instancetype)definitionWithClass:(Class)_cls
                          propertyNames:(NSArray *)propertyNames;



    A class for which the definition will be extended.


    An array of the names of properties to be generated. All array elements must be of type NSString.

  • Allocates and returns an initialized SCClassDefinition given a class, an array of the property names to generate property definitions from, and array of titles for these properties. *

    • - parameter: _cls A class for which the definition will be extended.
    • - parameter: propertyNames An array of the names of properties to be generated. All array elements must be of type NSString.
    • - parameter: propertyTitles An array of titles to the properties in propertyNames. All array elements must be of type NSString.



    + (instancetype)definitionWithClass:(Class)_cls
                          propertyNames:(NSArray *)propertyNames
                         propertyTitles:(NSArray *)propertyTitles;
  • Allocates and returns an initialized SCClassDefinition given a class and an SCPropertyGroupArray. *

    • - parameter: _cls A class for which the definition will be extended.
    • - parameter: groups A collection of property groups.



    + (instancetype)definitionWithClass:(Class)_cls
                         propertyGroups:(SCPropertyGroupArray *)groups;
  • Allocates and returns an initialized SCClassDefinition given a class and the option to auto generate property definitions for the given class.

    The method will also generate user friendly property titles from the names of the generated properties. These titles can be modified by the user later as part of the property definition customization.



    - (instancetype)initWithClass:(Class)_cls



    A class for which the definition will be extended.


    If TRUE, ‘SCClassDefinition’ will automatically generate all the property definitions for the given class.

  • Returns an initialized SCClassDefinition given a class and a string containing the property names.

    The method will also generate user friendly property titles from the names of the given properties. These titles can be modified by the user later as part of the property definition customization.

    Property names string syntax options: @“property1;property2;property3;…” @“group1 header:(property1, property2,…):group1 footer;group2…”



    - (instancetype)initWithClass:(Class)_cls
              propertyNamesString:(NSString *)propertyNamesString;



    A class for which the definition will be extended.


    A string with the property names separated by semi-colons. Example string: @“firstName;lastName”. Property groups can also be defined in the string using the following format: @“Personal Details:(firstName, lastName); Address:(street, state, country)”. The group title can also be ommitted to create a group with no title. For example: @“:(firstName, lastName)”.

  • Allocates and returns an initialized SCClassDefinition given a class and an array of the property names to generate property definitions from.

    The method will also generate user friendly property titles from the names of the given properties. These titles can be modified by the user later as part of the property definition customization.



    - (instancetype)initWithClass:(Class)_cls
                    propertyNames:(NSArray *)propertyNames;



    A class for which the definition will be extended.


    An array of the names of properties to be generated. All array elements must be of type NSString.

  • Allocates and returns an initialized SCClassDefinition given a class, an array of the property names to generate property definitions from, and array of titles for these properties. *

    • - parameter: _cls A class for which the definition will be extended.
    • - parameter: propertyNames An array of the names of properties to be generated. All array elements must be of type NSString.
    • - parameter: propertyTitles An array of titles to the properties in propertyNames. All array elements must be of type NSString.



    - (instancetype)initWithClass:(Class)_cls
                    propertyNames:(NSArray *)propertyNames
                   propertyTitles:(NSArray *)propertyTitles;
  • Returns an initialized SCClassDefinition given a class and an SCPropertyGroupArray. *

    • - parameter: _cls A class for which the definition will be extended.
    • - parameter: groups A collection of property groups.



    - (instancetype)initWithClass:(Class)_cls
                   propertyGroups:(SCPropertyGroupArray *)groups;


  • cls

    The class associated with the definition.



    @property (nonatomic, strong) Class cls;