
@interface SCPropertyGroup : NSObject {
  NSString *headerTitle;
  NSString *footerTitle;
  NSMutableArray *propertyDefinitionNames;

This class functions as a way to define a property definition group that is used to generate a corresponding user interface element that groups these properties (e.g.: a table view section).

Property definitions are added to this class using their NSString ‘name’ property.


SCPropertyDefinition, SCClassDefinition.

Creation and Initialization

  • Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCPropertyGroup’ given a header title, a footer title

    • and an NSArray of property names to be included in the group. *
    • - parameter: groupHeaderTitle A header title for the group.
    • - parameter: groupFooterTitle A footer title for the group.



    + (instancetype)groupWithHeaderTitle:(NSString *)groupHeaderTitle
                             footerTitle:(NSString *)groupFooterTitle
                           propertyNames:(NSArray *)propertyNames;
  • Returns an initialized ‘SCPropertyGroup’ given a header title, a footer title

    • and an NSArray of property names to be included in the group. *
    • - parameter: groupHeaderTitle A header title for the group.
    • - parameter: groupFooterTitle A footer title for the group.



    - (instancetype)initWithHeaderTitle:(NSString *)groupHeaderTitle
                            footerTitle:(NSString *)groupFooterTitle
                          propertyNames:(NSArray *)propertyNames;


Managing Property Names